I believe that our students still need textbooks in the classrooms and to bring home for homework. I am against turning the 1:1 computers into a replacement for textbooks. We need balanced textbooks available to our students for their use.
I am also against banning books in the library, however, I do want the library books to be age appropriate. Overly sexual and (sexually) graphic books have no business in our school libraries. If parents wish for their children to be exposed to those types of books, they can reference the adult sections in the public libraries. Remember, the "other side" wants to ban classic literature like Huck Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird (and even Dr. Seuss!) because they contain language that we don't want to use anymore (but was perfectly acceptable at the time), while trying to demonize us for wanting to keep sexual content away from minors! I'm not trying to say that we shouldn't learn from the past and stop using the language, but in order to learn from our history, we have to know what it is. If we don't learn from history, we are bound to repeat it. This is the purpose of education.